This is the fun part of being pregnant. I’ve always like dressing up and being pregnant does not change that. Pregnant ladies do not need to choose between comfort and chic. There are defintely ways and cheats to be comfortably fashionably! And you don’t need to burn a hole in your pocket revamping your wardrobe […]
Cheryl’s Pregnancy Journey – The Essentials
This pregnancy has been a roller coaster ride for me and it’s a journey that requires adapating and relearning due to the constant changes to my body, especially in this final trimester. Often, just as I thought I’ve found my groove and routine back, a new wave of discomfort kicks in and the cycle to […]
Cheryl’s Pregnancy Journey – Best and Worst Parts About Being Pregnant
Hi guys, this is the start of my pregnancy journal which I’m so excited to share with you. This will be a candid account of all things good and bad about my pregnancy that I hope will relate to all mummies and mummies to be, as well as an informative community where we can all […]