Did you know that coffee is one of the most used words in the world? For many of us, the day only begins after a cup of morning coffee. From the taste to its rich aroma, there’s no denying that coffee gives many people the energy boost they need to go about their day. Apart […]
An introduction to physical exfoliation
Exfoliating is an important step in skincare because it is key to having a glowing visage. We spend hours on end searching for the best facial scrubs to remove our blackheads, or even asking aestheticians at women wellness parlours in Singapore for an effective chemical peel, or non-extraction facials like Strengthening Porefection Facial from Cheryl […]
How To Prevent A Post-Christmas Bulge
Christmas festivities means wine and lavish dinners. The binge on savoury foods also means the dreaded post-christmas bulge the next day. This can make you feel guilty and might even cause a dent in your self-confidence. Fret not, for we have just the solution in helping you manage or prevent it altogether! Moderation is key, […]
COVID-19 Series: Maskne Management Tip #5
Face masks have become a requirement when spending time outside and in order to enjoy the amazing weather, you can’t leave your house without a face mask. But, one side effect that comes with wearing face masks that we didn’t see coming are the tan lines.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Tip: Like a lot of skin issues, face […]
COVID-19 Series: Maskne Management Tip #4
Maskne breakouts is one of the trending topics and is little wonder as the whole world has turned to daily mask wearing for protection. To stop mask breakouts, prevention is your best bet. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Tip: Have a few extra face masks on hand so they can be rotated. That way you will always have […]
COVID-19 Series: Maskne Management Tip #3
Is the mask now officially part of your daily ensemble? If so, it might be the cause of your skin breakouts. Masks provide a layer of protection. But they can also irritate the skin, clog pores, and flare acne. Every week, we bring you a tip to help you prevent maskne – skin irritation caused […]
COVID-19 Series: Maskne Management Tip #2
Maskne – yes, mask acne – is real. One frustrating side effect of mandated face mask wearing during the coronavirus outbreak is that it’s making many of us break out. And unfortunately, the warm weather is only making matters worse. Know that you’re not alone in your skincare struggles, as we’ll be sharing a series of […]
COVID-19 Series: Maskne Management Tip #1
Wearing protective face masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 might cause or exacerbate acne, redness, and skin irritation. The term “maskne” is to describe skin irritation resulting from daily wearing of mask. As face masks become a part of our daily life, we’ll be sharing a series of tips to prevent your skin from […]
Cheryl W Fragrance Sprays
Often in life, very real challenges pop up without warning. But it is also the very genuine problems that lead to inspiration. Postnatal blues and depression are very real, so are concerns with harmful chemicals from inhaling aerosol from sprays that may harm the little ones. Throw in a hectic work schedule and at […]
Easy Home Workouts For You
The best at-home workouts don’t necessarily require a lot of equipment, or any equipment, other than your own body weight and some common furniture and items you can find at home. Here are some easy to do exercises that you can do as a full set (20 mins), or individually (5mins), depending on what time […]